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Lebens- & Sozialberaterin / Psychologische Beraterin / Coach / Trainerin

Daliah Zekralla


Born and raised in Vienna in 1976 .

Since 2006 I have been working as a freelance craniosacral practitioner, life and social counselor, coach, mental trainer and alternative therapist. Some years of my life I was allowed in Cairo and

Live, study and work in New York.

I enjoyed my training in Vienna, New York, Cairo, Greece, Thailand & Bali.

- Life and social counselor (Vienna)

- Psychological counseling (Vienna)

- NLP Practitioner & Master  (Vienna)

- Systemic constellations  (Vienna)

- Family constellations "Bert Hellinger" (Vienna)

- Reiki  (Vienna)

- NLP Coach  (Vienna)

- NLP teaching coach  (Vienna)

- NLP trainer  (Vienna)

- Mental trainer  (Vienna)

- Craniosacral Practitioner  (Vienna)

- Karma Teachings ( Vienna , Thailand & Bali)

- Quantum Touch  (Vienna & Greece)

- Theta healing  (Vienna & Greece)

- EFT  Emotional Field Therapy (Vienna)

- TFT Thought Field Therapy (Vienna & Greece)

- EMDR  (Vienna)

- Singing bowl treatments  (Vienna)

- Touch for Health  (Vienna)

- NLP mentor  (Vienna)

Languages:  German (native)



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